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NCAC By-laws
Newtown Cultural Arts Commission By-Laws

Article I:  Name
In accordance with the Cultural Arts Ordinance, there is hereby established the Newtown Cultural Arts Commission (hereinafter referred to as NCAC).  The NCAC shall consist of nine (9) members.

Article II:  Purpose
The purpose of the NCAC shall be to stimulate, facilitate, coordinate, and cooperate with existing organizations for the development of the arts.

It shall serve as an information center and focal point in the community for activities in the arts.

The NCAC will encourage gifts, contributions, and bequests of funds from individuals, foundations, companies, corporations, and other organizations for the purpose of furthering its objectives.

Article III:  Appointments, Terms, and Vacancies

Section 1:  Appointments
The First Selectman, with the approval of the Board of Selectman, shall appoint nine (9) members.  Individuals shall have a broad interest, understanding, and appreciation of cultural activities.

Section 2:  Terms
The term of office shall be for three (3) years.  Initially, three (3) shall be appointed until January 7, 2007; three (3) shall be appointed for two (2) years; and the remaining three (3) for three (3) years.

Section 3:  Vacancies
All vacancies shall be filled for the balance of their unexpired term by the First Selectman, with the approval of the Board of Selectman.  The NCAC shall submit names for each Board vacancy to the First Selectman.

Section 4:  Attendance
Attendance shall be governed by the policy that three (3) consecutive, unexcused absences of any Board Member will be considered notice of termination.  A NCAC Member may be terminated by the First Selectman upon a recommendation and 2/3 vote of the NCAC.

Section 5:  Resignation/Termination
A.      Any NCAC Member may resign at any time by delivering written notice of such     resignation to the Chair of the NCAC.  All vacancies shall be filled for the balance    of their unexpired term by the First Selectman, with the approval of the Board of       Selectman.

B.      A NCAC Member may be terminated by the First Selectman upon a   recommendation and 2/3 vote of the NCAC.
Article IV:  Organization

Section 1:  Officers
The NCAC shall annually elect upon nomination and by 2/3 majority a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Town of Newtown Liaison, Treasurer, Fund Development Manager, Program and Event Manager, Communications & Marketing Manager, and a Public Relations Manager.

Section 2:  Approval of Officers
An officer may be elected by 2/3 majority of the NCAC.  The term of office for each officer shall coincide with the NCAC’s fiscal year (July 1 – June 30).

Section 3:  Special Appointment of Officers
An officer may be appointed by a 2/3 majority of the NCAC to fill a vacancy or to serve a shortened term.  This may be done at any time during the year with an expiration date of the appointment(s) so made coinciding with the NCAC’s fiscal year (July 1 – June 30).

Section 4:  Resignation or Termination of Officers
An officer may resign by filing a written resignation with the Chair.  An officer may be removed from office by a unanimous vote of the remaining NCAC Members at a regular meeting, or a special meeting called for that purpose, provided that in case of a special meeting, the notice of the meeting shall specify the purpose thereof.

Section 5:  Officer Duties

A.      Chairperson:
        Presides over meeting which includes:
~ ~ ~ ~                 1. calls meeting to order
~ ~ ~ ~                 2. keeps order of agenda
~ ~ ~ ~         3. presides over motions
~ ~ ~ ~
        Maintains impartiality.

        Preserves the objectives of the NCAC.

        Oversees the NCAC in accomplishing its goals.

        Speaks on behalf of the NCAC.

        Acts as signatory for NCAC.

        Oversees policies that guide the NCAC.

        Oversees and submits Annual Report to the Selectmen.

        Acts as liaison with the community.

B.      Vice Chairperson:
        Shall fill role of Chairperson in their absence.

C.      Secretary:
Takes minutes during NCAC meetings.  All NCAC minutes shall be submitted to the Town Clerk’s office within 48 hours of the NCAC meeting.

Prepares meeting agenda for NCAC meetings and submit a  copy to the Town Clerk’s office and members of the NCAC for review no less      than 48 hours prior to NCAC meetings.

        Must file the regular meeting schedule with the Town Clerk’s Office no later than December 1st of each year of its meetings for the ensuing year.

Reserves a meeting room for NCAC meetings and notify NCAC members of time and place of meetings no less than 48 hours prior to NCAC meetings.

Maintains NCAC records, meeting agendas, meeting minutes, and by-laws.

Sends correspondence including Thank You notes on behalf of the NCAC in a timely manner.

D.  Town of Newtown Liaison:
        Communicates with all town offices (Selectman, Department Heads, Finance,       Town Attorney, Board of Managers).

        Communicates with state agencies, if necessary.

        Submits financial paperwork, check requests, deposits to finance department.

E.  Treasurer:
        Prepares journal and ledger entries, post to accounts, and prepares all financial       statements.

        Makes monthly financial reports to the NCAC.

        With NCAC Chairperson, creates annual budget and submits to NCAC for    approval.

        Provides necessary financial documents as needed.

        Reports financial news to the town as needed or directed.

        Assists NCAC Officers with event and budget planning, financial reports, and    grant applications.

F.  Fund Development Manager:
        Meets major givers, attends/speaks at organization’s events.

        Records all gifts immediately and sends personal note when appropriate.

        Maintains history and files on all gifts.

        Works with the Treasurer to prepare financials for grant applications.

        Works with the NCAC to set the annual goals.

        Oversees all aspects of the fundraising strategy and operation of fundraising   activities, mailers, email appeals, grant proposals.

G.  Program and Event Manager:
        Helps create and then supervises programs run by the NCAC.

        Works with Treasurer to develop budgets for programs.

        Works with Fund Development Manager to find fundraising opportunities to        subsidize programs.

        Recommends venues for programming to NCAC while managing all necessary  contracts for such programs.

        Recruits and supervises volunteers (Auxiliary Members and others) who are       needed to do hands on a work for a program.

        Reports to town as required on Commission Program Activities

        Supplies program information to Communication and Marketing Manager and         Public Relations Manager with respect to NCAC.
H.  Public Relations Manager:
        Represents NCAC to the public.

        Provides information (a.k.a. copy) to Communications and Marketing Manager      for publication.

I.  Communications and Marketing Manager:
        Manages NCAC website, newsletter, and emails communication.

        Manages promotional material.

        Produces and updates an ongoing Cultural Arts Events Calendar executed by       website.

Article V:  Duties and Responsibilities

The NCAC shall have the following duties and responsibilities:

A.      To make an initial survey of the cultural and artistic resources of the Town of Newtown, including but not limited to, a survey of the arts by each subject deemed to be of significance by the NCAC in carrying out its duties.
B.      To make such additional surveys as may be deemed advisable from time to time, of private and public institutions engaged within the Town in artistic and cultural activities.
C.      Produce and update an ongoing Cultural Arts Events Calendar executed by website.
D.      To stimulate and encourage both private and public study and presentation of the performing and fine arts and public interest, support and participation.
E.      To encourage and assist freedom of artistic expression essential to the arts.
F.      To stimulate cooperative and coordinated effort among cultural organizations actively engaged in a single art form.
G.      To advise and make recommendations to the Board of Selectman on matters of cultural significance to the Town of Newtown on at least an annual basis.
H.      To make an annual report of its activities to the Board of Selectmen.  It shall also submit any other reports requested or required by the Board of Selectmen.

Article VI:  Financial and Contractual Responsibilities

The NCAC shall have the following financial powers and duties:

A.      To submit a proposed budget to the Board of Selectmen.   An annual budget will  be prepared by the NCAC Treasurer and presented to the NCAC for approval by     2/3 majority.
B.      To enter into contracts within the limit of funds available, with individuals, organizations and institutions for services which will further the objectives of the NCAC.
C.      To enter into contracts within the limits of funds available with local, regional, State or Federal Associations for cooperative endeavors.
D.      All contracts and agreements must have the prior approval of the Purchasing Authority of the Board of Selectmen.
E.      To accept gifts, contributions and bequests of funds from individuals, foundations, companies, corporations, and other organizations for the purpose of furthering the objectives of the NCAC, subject to a Resolution entitled Cultural Arts Commission Gift Fund.

Article VII:  Expenditures

The NCAC shall:

A.      Make expenditures in accordance with the Annual Budget adopted by the Town of Newtown.
B.      All monies received in the manner referred to in Section VI, line (e), will be placed in a separate Gift Fund subject to an annual audit and may be expended subject to the majority approval of the NCAC, subject to a resolution entitled Cultural Arts Gift Fund.
C.      Employ experts and others as may be needed, subject to personnel regulations and limits of the annual Town Budget appropriation for the NCAC.
D.      The NCAC Treasurer will provide a report of all income and expenses at all regular NCAC meetings.

Article VIII:  Meetings

Section I:  Regular Meetings
A.      Regular meetings of the NCAC shall be held monthly (unless waived by the        majority of the NCAC) at such place within the town of Newtown as shall be      determined by the NCAC.
B.      The regular meeting schedule must be filed with the Town Clerk’s Office no later        than December 1st of each year.

Section II:  Special Meetings
A special meeting may be called up to 24 hours (excluding weekends, holidays, and days on which the office of the Town Clerk is closed) before the time is set for the meeting.  A special meeting is called by filing a notice stating the time, place, and business to be transacted with the Town Clerk.  No other business may be undertaken at a special meeting except that stated in the notice.

Section III:  Quorum
A 2/3 majority shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at NCAC meetings.

Section IV:  Formal Action
Every act done or decision made by a majority of the NCAC members present at a meeting duly held at which a quorum is present shall be regarded as the act of the NCAC.

Section V:  Agenda
The agenda for all meetings of the NCAC shall be prepared by the Secretary.  Additional agenda items may be proposed by any NCAC member.  Copies of the agenda shall be sent to NCAC members no less than 48 hours prior to the date of the meeting.

Section VI:  Conduct of the Meeting
All NCAC meetings shall be open to the public, but participation in discussions by members of the public shall be at the discretion of the Chairperson of the meeting together with a 2/3 majority vote of the NCAC.  The agenda shall be followed to the extent possible, but other matters may be considered with a 2/3 majority vote of the NCAC.

Section VII:  Public Appearances and Requests
Any Newtown resident or organization shall be entitled to appear before the NCAC.  Such request shall be made in writing and shall be delivered to NCAC members at least seven (7) days before the day of the regular meetings.  The written communication shall include all relevant facts concerning the personal appearance or request.  Scheduling of the appearance or the request shall be at the discretion of the Chairperson.

Section VIII:  Records
Minutes and records of the business conducted at all meetings of the NCAC shall be kept and shall be open for public inspection.  The minutes and records of each meeting shall be subject to approval by the NCAC.  The minutes shall be forwarded to the Town Clerk’s Office within 48 hours of the NCAC meeting.  The minutes shall be forwarded to each NCAC member no less than 48 hours prior the next regular meeting for approval and action at such subsequent meeting.  

Article IX:  NCAC Auxiliary

The NCAC is hereby authorized to appoint citizens, but not limited to Newtown residents, who are known for their competency, understanding, and devotion to the cultural pursuits, to the NCAC Auxiliary.

Section I:  Appointment of Auxiliary Members
Appointment of NCAC Auxiliary members will be by vote of 2/3 majority.

Section II:  Duties
The NCAC will define the function and duties of the NCAC Auxiliary significant to the purpose of the commission.

Section III:  Purpose
The purpose of the NCAC Auxiliary is to assist the NCAC Members in the execution of their duties.

Article X:  Compensation
No NCAC member or member of its auxiliary or committees, shall receive compensation for services rendered, but by resolution of the NCAC may be reimbursed for expenses associated with their duties.

Article XI:  Conflict of Interest
The NCAC agrees to adopt the conflict of interest policy as it appears in the town charter or as amended in the future.

Article XII:  Amendment of the By-Laws
These by-laws may be amended, added to, or repealed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the full NCAC.

Article XIII: Nondiscrimination
The NCAC agrees to adopt the Nondiscrimination policy as it appears in the town charter or as amended in the future.

Article XIV:  Dissolution
Upon the dissolution of the NCAC, the NCAC members shall after paying or making provision for the payment of all of the liabilities of the NCAC, dispose of all of the assets of the corporation exclusively for the purposes of the NCAC in such manner, or to such organization or organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, scientific, or literary purposes.

NCAC By-Laws Adopted: